US Taxes Toronto

Simplifying the US & Canadian ​Tax Filing Experience

Filing Cross-Border Taxes Doesn't Have to be Difficult

I’m Richard Markman, and I’ve made it my mission to breath new life into the US & Canadian tax filing experience. We are locally based US Canada Tax Accountants who offer in-person, online and remote services to ensure maximum convenience and satisfaction.

Should I file US & Canadian income taxes at the same time?

Working with one provider and getting it all done at once has its advantages.

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One Conversation

Answer the standard income tax questions one time.
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One Paperwork Submission

Reduce your workload. Online platform in place to submit paperwork.

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Maximized Savings

Increase your chances for optimal savings with one filing.

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How to Get Started with US Taxes Toronto

Call us or send us a message and we’ll guide you through our process for preparing your personal income tax returns.

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